Using trees to cool city spaces | Waterfront Ambassadors Photo Diary 

The Waterfront Ambassadors led interactive lessons and activities for youth during week five of the summer program.  

Working with the Piers Park Sailing Center’s Harbor Explorers, the Ambassadors gave an interactive and educational lesson about the Piers Park III project, including about the design and programming feedback received from the community so far, the resilience concerns, and what the neighborhood is projected to face from the impacts of climate change. Ambassadors came up with creative, hands-on ways for the sailing center youth to share their design feedback and create designs of their own. After the morning of lessons and games, the whole group went sailing on the harbor.   

Later in the week, three learning sessions covered different topics, starting with a financial literacy workshop hosted by TD Bank. During the session the teens learned about budgeting, general money management, and keeping their information safe. Later the group met with Trustees Boston Community Gardens Engagement Manager Michelle de Lima, to learn about different herbs and cook their own pesto. Wrapping up the week, the group joined Boston Society of Landscape Architects Executive Director Gretchen Rabinkin for a walk around East Boston and used heat thermometers to measure the temperatures of the sidewalk and other spaces, learning about the difference that tree canopies can make in lessening heat in urban spaces.  

Next week, the Ambassadors will be working on a special project with Carolina Aragon in Chelsea, creating a temporary park for the neighborhood to enjoy.  

Below, find this week’s photo diary from the Ambassadors with some of their favorite moments: 

Click here to explore more photo diary blogs from this summer’s Waterfront Ambassadors!